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Trade implications of cyber-security risks and national policies. Webinar by WTO

By CommerceGate, Press Team

In the series of Trade Dialogue lectures/Webinar series organised by WTO and ITU, CommerceGate took part in the panel discussion dedicated to the trading implication of cyber-security risks and confidence-building.

In the series of Trade Dialogue lectures/Webinar series organised by WTO and ITU, CommerceGate took part in the panel discussion dedicated to the trading implication of cyber-security risks and confidence-building.

During the panel discussion, the participants shared their views on the current state of cyber-security at a global level, identified gaps in cyber-security regulation and outlined key approaches to the security policies and security standards requirements, as well as shared different experience of cyber-security regulation across the world.

CommerceGate was the company representing the private sector in that discussion and provided valuable feedback for authorities and governing bodies on how should security standards be developed, what factors should be taken into account so every participant of a global trade chain would benefit from the security standards and adherence to them.

Also, in preparation to this webinar Commercegate shared their experience on the main security risks factors which Fintech companies are exposed to and provided high-level guidelines on how those factors are taken into account and mitigated. An example, being CommerceGates our own IT infrastructure and processes.

CommerceGate is very proud to represent the Global Payment sector in the series of panel discussions held by WTO and strongly believe that having a seat at the same table of the regulators, governing bodies, private companies creates invaluable atmosphere, and open discussion of any problematic points, ability to represent different points of view, so all opinions can be taken into account, is of great value for the industry and global trade.

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