Full-stack Acquiring Solutions

CommerceGate offers access to a proprietary Payment Facilitator account and our global partners network of Direct Merchant accounts through a single individual account.
Full acquiring solutions - CommerceGate.com
Full acquiring solutions - CommerceGate.com

Map out card payments through or wide-spread acquiring partnerships

CommerceGate offers you a secure way to accept debit and credit card payments online with your existing Merchant Account, along with every tool you will need to optimize and maximize your revenue and scale your business. We offer 20+ local and global acquiring partners for any business type to increase payment approval ratios with high payment availability and uptimes.
Map out card payments - CommerceGate.com
Universal payment pages
Our universal payment pages work across a wide array of platforms, devices, and conversion rates using the latest relevant technology.
Local and global acquiring partners
Open additional merchant accounts to your requirements without any hassle.
All-in-one payment solution - CommerceGate.com
All-in-one payment solution
Combine authorization, transaction clearing and settlements with your account.
Innovative merchant profile compliance
We ensure your merchant profile is ready for underwriting with banks.
Automated fraud prevention system - CommerceGate.com
Automated fraud prevention system
Take control of our real-time fraud monitoring systems and remain compliant.
Stay online with high uptime
Leverage on our highly available payment infrastructure with planned contingencies.
Optimize for costs and profits - CommerceGate.com
Optimize for costs and profits
Transparent fees and pricing structure based on data and analytics.
Evergreen network of acquiring partners
Tap into our growing network of acquiring partners to remain efficient.

Access to LATAM markets for EU merchants

CommerceGate is offering access to the LATAM markets for EU-based merchants with local acquiring and payment methods.
LATAM market access - CommerceGate.com
Local card payment processing
Our local partnerships in Brazil allow us to have more efficient card payment processing operations between the EU and Brazil than other companies who experience a 40% payment fail rate.
Access local payment methods globally
Gain instant access to popular local Brazilian payment methods for all international merchants.
LATAM multiple local currencies
Start offering your services priced, invoiced and settled in the preferred local currency of your customers for convenience.
Automated direct SEPA Settlements
Enjoy worry-free overseas settlement and related issues when receiving payments directly to your bank account.

Solutions built for your industry

Online Retail Merchants and Services

CommerceGate offers all the tools your online business needs to securely process and manage digital payments globally at scale, without complexity. Our two-sided platform allows the seamless connection between merchants, banks and payment solutions.

Online Platforms and Marketplaces

CommerceGate offers leading proprietary and partner payment technologies that are compliant with first-class security standards helping you scale globally with dedicated technical expertise for any business type.

Affiliates and Agencies

CommerceGate offers resellers to take their earnings to the next level with an affiliate program, providing a secure payment system to your clients. We provide leading industry expertise in underwriting compliance and payment risk management, with transparent SLAs and self-service resources through proven and tested controlled processes.

Payment Service Providers

CommerceGate offers PSPs a secure and regulated payment solution, featuring quick merchant onboarding, risk and compliance management, and cost optimizations

Banking Institutions

CommerceGate offers banking institutions insights on the risk profiles of clients from different verticals along with risk and compliance management services.